Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Lord Of The Flies - Character Analysis Essays -

The Lord of the Flies - Character Analysis Ralph: main character- Ralph is the narrator of the story. Jack: Jack is Ralph main enemy in the story. He leads the hunters. Piggy: Piggy is the smart one of the group. Simon: He is my favorite character in the story. He is viewed as the Christ-figure and interprets the mysteries of the island. Roger: Roger is Jacks sidekick and is a vicious murderer at heart. Sam and Eric: The twins stick close to Ralph until they are forced to join the hunters. Their main job is to watch the signal fire. The littluns: The littluns are basically the younger boys and ride the bandwagon. The two boys Ralph and Piggy meet each other in a thick jungle and discover that they crashed in an airplane and are stranded. They also learn that there are no adults present on the island and that none of the adults survived the crash. As they approach a beach, they find an enormous conch shell. Piggy gives the conch a little toot and summons the rest of the boys on the island to the beach. The boys assemble and el ect Ralph as the leader. Ralph then assigns the Choir, led by Jack, to be the hunters. Then Jack, Ralph, and Simon set out to explore the island. Near the end of their journey, they encounter a wild pig. Jack tries to kill it, but is unsuccessful. When the explorers get back, a meeting is held. The explorers explain that the island is deserted but there is enough food to keep them alive. Jack and the hunters promise to supply meat. Ralph makes a rule that whoever is in possession of the conch shell is allowed to speak. Ralph proposes the idea of a signal fire to alert passing ships of their presence. All the boys agree and everybody rushes to the hilltop to start a fire. The fire sparks the gathered wood into a blaze. One of the boys is reported missing but none of the boys will admit to the likelihood of an accident. Everyone is hard at work the next day, either building huts or hunting. Soon the younger boys loose interest and go off to play. A meeting is called and the boys come up with some new ideas and talk about problems. Meanwhile jack wanders off and enjoys the peace and quiet. Soon the boys get into a rhythm of everyday life. In the morning is the best time for activity because it is cool and quiet. Afternoons are associated with napping. Some of the littluns are suffering from diarrhea from eating too much fruit. While Ralph and Piggy sit on the beach they notice a ship on the horizon, and are horrified to see that the signal fire has gone out. The boys rush to the hilltop to try to get it going again but it is too late. Jack and the hunters who were in charge of the fire were nowhere to be found. Ralph scolds Jack about the fire and he apologizes though he does not really care. Another meeting is called at the familiar place and Ralph reprimands them about their irresponsibility. Then the subject of the so called beast comes up. Ralph and Piggy try to give an explanation but it has no effect. Eventually chaos spreads though the crowd and the run off led by Jack, and Ralph is thoroughly agitated. That night, an air battle is going on and a dead pilot, with a parachute, lands next to the signal fire where Sam and Eric have fallen asleep. They are awakened and are terrified by the shadows and the body. The twins scramble down to the beach where a group has assembled, and they tell the story with farfetched details. A team of explorers is sent to investigate. They discover new land and plan what they will do with it, but Ralph reminds them of their mission and they continue. As they approach the hilltop, Jack accuses Ralph of being chicken and starts up by himself. They are frightened by what they see and spread even more panic with their report. Jack decides t o hold a meeting and

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Behanzin

Behanzin Hossu Bowelle â€Å"The King Shark† Behanzin is known as one of the most powerful kings in West African history. Born in 1841 Behanzin was a tall, well-built, and dignified man. He is decribed as wearing a long strip of silk draped around his body and across his bare shoulders. Ruling over the peoples of Dahomey, Behanzin was known as the â€Å"absolute master of his kingdom†. Few people were allowed to see the king perform the most ordinary of activities. Common subjects in his kingdom saw him only in ceremony. Behanzin as king was considered so sacred that his saliva was not allowed to touch the ground. The wealth of Dahomey was expressed in its trade, its army and the courageousness of its soldiers. Represented by over 25,000 warriors Behanzin’s army was picked from among the best of its Dahomeyan subjects. Among those, were 5,000 female warriors who ranked higher than their male counterparts. Each soldier had his own servant, who carried his weapons and food. Leading the army was Agli-Agbo brother of Behanzin. These warriors were divided into companies and brigades and trained thoroughly. Their training included a system of gymnastics developed by Dahomeyans as well as drills. One of these drills is described as â€Å"charging barefoot into a construction of thorns†. Upon Behanzin’s signal, the warriors threw themselves on the thorns, which was said to be a construction â€Å"50 yards long, 8 yards wide and 7 feet high†. The warriors were taught from birth to despise death. This quality enabled them to fight with extreme bravery and energy. â€Å"Two hundred of the sturdiest women warriors and five hundred of the finest males formed the king’s bodyguards†. Dahomey was an open kingdom but it Behanzin’s policy to keep all whites out of the inside of his kingdom. On rare occasions when white people were allowed, they were given a passport, which was made out of a palm almond wrapped in special le... Free Essays on Behanzin Free Essays on Behanzin Behanzin Hossu Bowelle â€Å"The King Shark† Behanzin is known as one of the most powerful kings in West African history. Born in 1841 Behanzin was a tall, well-built, and dignified man. He is decribed as wearing a long strip of silk draped around his body and across his bare shoulders. Ruling over the peoples of Dahomey, Behanzin was known as the â€Å"absolute master of his kingdom†. Few people were allowed to see the king perform the most ordinary of activities. Common subjects in his kingdom saw him only in ceremony. Behanzin as king was considered so sacred that his saliva was not allowed to touch the ground. The wealth of Dahomey was expressed in its trade, its army and the courageousness of its soldiers. Represented by over 25,000 warriors Behanzin’s army was picked from among the best of its Dahomeyan subjects. Among those, were 5,000 female warriors who ranked higher than their male counterparts. Each soldier had his own servant, who carried his weapons and food. Leading the army was Agli-Agbo brother of Behanzin. These warriors were divided into companies and brigades and trained thoroughly. Their training included a system of gymnastics developed by Dahomeyans as well as drills. One of these drills is described as â€Å"charging barefoot into a construction of thorns†. Upon Behanzin’s signal, the warriors threw themselves on the thorns, which was said to be a construction â€Å"50 yards long, 8 yards wide and 7 feet high†. The warriors were taught from birth to despise death. This quality enabled them to fight with extreme bravery and energy. â€Å"Two hundred of the sturdiest women warriors and five hundred of the finest males formed the king’s bodyguards†. Dahomey was an open kingdom but it Behanzin’s policy to keep all whites out of the inside of his kingdom. On rare occasions when white people were allowed, they were given a passport, which was made out of a palm almond wrapped in special le...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Providing an overview of an organizational position of human resources Essay

Providing an overview of an organizational position of human resources as a staff or support function - Essay Example Hernandez and OConnor (2010) argue that in many health care organizations, persons heading the HR normally report to the top executives. In small healthcare organizations there will be no second level of executive management and therefore the HR will report directly to the CEO. As a staff or support function, the HR facilitates the work, striving to obtain the overall effectiveness and efficiency. Staff operations supports and enhance the work of an organizations through making it possible to continue producing products or provision of services. Staff areas in a health care organization are HR, housekeeping, finance, and maintenance. None of these areas provide direct services to the patients, but if they are not performed, the patient will experience both losses in quality and inefficiencies. The primarily role of the staff or support is to maintain the organization’s service environment and capability, making the line operations to continue operating in an optimal manner. Human resource services of any healthcare entity are provided through acquisition of staffs by HR planning, effective recruitment and selection, development of the employees through training, organizational change and developments, and carrier developments. Additionally, HR motivates the employees through performance appraisals, job satisfaction, provision of good working environments, and reward systems. According to Shi (2007) HR services are provided through maintenance such as provision of benefits, working conditions and services that may commit employees to the organizations. HR may be an organization’s expert and official voice regarding personnel policies, compensation, and benefits, and many of the legalities concerning employments. Human resource managers working in a health care organizations therefore provide service, assistance, guidance, and whatever other services that may be deemed appropriate according to the needs of the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Analyze the case and answer the questions Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Analyze the and answer the questions - Case Study Example The level of hemoglobin of a patient who is suffering from lymphocytosis is likely to drop to about 7.4g/dL. This means that the red blood cell count may be reduced if anemia is present secondary to bone marrow infiltration with cancer cells. The level of platelets of a patient that has ALL will be low. The symptoms include pitting edema, petechia, bone pain, generalized weakness and anemia. There are numerous pains that are associated Acute lymphoblastic leukemia which include excessive brusing, joint pain, bome pain, enlarged lymp nodes and swelling of stoamch. (Johannes, 2010). The treatment of lymphocytosis depended on the type of illness. The various causes of lymphocytosis may be used to determine the treat the type of lymphocytosis. The basic medication is chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The aim of this is to kill all the tumor cells. For pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, this patient was given antibiotic incase he is

Monday, November 18, 2019

Knowledge is generated through the interaction of critical and Essay - 1

Knowledge is generated through the interaction of critical and creative thinking. Evaluate this statement in two areas of knowledge - Essay Example Knowledge management is an important part of life, and without knowledge it is difficult for an individual to survive in this world of such cut throat competition. Individuals constantly need to strive for knowledge and also need to understand the different ways of attaining knowledge and also the different areas of knowledge. In my opinion, the statement â€Å"Knowledge is generated through the interaction of critical and creative thinking† is a true statement. Critical thinking can be defined as giving a reflective statement by assessing the thoughts and efforts of other individuals or processes. Critical thinking allows one to think from many perspectives and then arrive at a conclusion. When one is in the phase of thinking critically, many new types of knowledge may be experienced by the individual in justifying their critical thoughts and opinions. Critical thinking can be applied to all disciplines of knowledge areas. The disciplines can be science, math and even history. All areas need critical reviews and evaluations to be conducted for justifications. Critical thinking can be a challenging task and it can prove to be a strong learning experience for the individuals. Science has many new inventions and innovations that have been invented for the use of mankind. With each new invention, there is a history as to how the product or service came into being (Preece, 310). If we take the example of Newton, he invented the science of physics. He invented the law of motion and other such laws in the field of physics. Such knowledge was invented through observation, critical thinking and investigation of events that were unfolding in front of him. This is the way how individuals learn new knowledge and come upon new inventions. The process of critical thinking consists of understanding the assumptions that are associated with any situation or statement, then the arguments present need to be reviewed and

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Jeffery Dahmer: Case Study and Biography

Jeffery Dahmer: Case Study and Biography The expression Serial Killer makes most people scared, but its far often idea that fear is what drives some curiosities, consequently finding it suitable to recognize why serial killers commit terrible acts of violence repetitively. Finkelhor (1984) four-aspect model, social learning concept, psychodynamic idea, Nature V Nurture and treatment programs for offending behavior all play a part in understanding psychotic behavior. Finkelhor (1984) proposed a 4-element version of the preconditions to child sexual abuse, which combine the numerous theories about why individuals begin to take part in sexually deviant behavior. Finkelhor built an organizational framework which include four separate underlying elements that designate not only why offenders abuse, however also why the abuse keeps occurring. The factors recognized to make a contribution to child sexual abuse are grouped into four pre-conditions; which includes, motivation, inner inhibitions, outside inhibitions, and blockage. To determine what makes a serial killer like Jeffery Dahmer operate, it is essential to look at their history specifically their early life and puberty (Holmes Holmes, 1998). As discovered through his biography, Dahmer was a regular child who enjoyed normal adolescence activities. The social control concept and the psychological concept will hence be used to provide an explanation for the metamorphosis in his personality.( Davis 1998). The shift in his character began about the time he was 4 years old and needed to go through a hernia operation. At some point of this tough duration of the surgical procedure his mother became preoccupied with her personal issues and his father was busy constructing his profession in chemistry. Dahmers mental fantasies blanketed a chain of crimes towards his casualties corpses. For most of his sufferers the scene turned into the constant unchanged scene and it further frequently than not started out with consensual intercourse. He most regularly would meet his victims in homosexual bars and go together with them to his rental. Regularly after engaging them with alcohol or cash. As soon as the consensual intercourse finished, he drugged them, occasionally killing them. He usually killed them by way of strangulation or by means of stabbing. He could then masturbate over the cadaver or have intercourse with the lifeless carcass. His subsequent step changed into typically dismembering the corpse, where he would break up the corpse into components with his power saw. With the usage of acid he removed the meat from the skulls and saved them as fulfillment trophies of his series. In addition to the skulls, he normally saved different body components including the heart in his refr igerator or in vaults and he ate those components occasionally. Their genitalia had been additionally saved as memoirs even as the muscular tissues were stored for another time use. Jeffrey also carried out lobotomies on some of his victims. (Davis, 1998). To a few he went on as far as to drill a perforation in to their skulls and pour acid down it. This made the sufferer prorogue death in a zombie like shape for days. From the possessions discovered in his residence upon his arrest, it became determined that Jeffrey used chloroform to drug his sufferers. The male genitalia had been preserved in formaldehyde. Clearly positioned, Jeffrey Dahmer turned into a serial killer who killed his sufferers brutally, had intercourse with their corpses, dismembered them and later ate a number of the components. Jeffrey Dahmers tale is one of the tales command to be be remembered fie a great amount of years for sparking debates on evaluations todays guidelines. The basis of implications are on  social and mental concepts. The social control theory and the psychological theory with regard to Dahmers life gives protocol effects that consist of education that enables children in advancement of socialization abilities via involvement, parenting programs geared toward appropriate introduction of social bonds and diversion programs for delinquents to modify their psychosocial states. The importance of Jeffreys case stirred the controversy on social implications because of the elimination of the death penalty. The reality that Jeffrey was killed at the same time as serving his sentence raised concerns of the potential of our society to control crime without the help of capital punishment (Youngstrom1991) The concept behind social control theory and psychological theory is that everyone has the functionality to carry out a criminal offense and this may be thoroughly prompted via their mental state of thoughts. Jeffrey Dahmer changed into an intensely kid who grew up in a surroundings rejecting him fueling his loneliness. As a grownup his instability intensified escalated. This has exposed that parental upbringing is of up most significance in a childrens development of social abilities. (Nichols 2006). As witnessed with Jeffrey Dahmer he did no longer obtain that socialization bond be it along with his parent or different human beings in his existence. Throughout his youth, Jeffrey Dahmer was left out and evolved a manner of perceiving himself as an interloper, rejected by society. This loneliness and feel of rejection grew till it irritated his compulsion to commit the barbaric crimes of homicide, necrophilia, and cannibalism. As seen from his biography he did not have intimate relat ionships that might have deterred him from committing the crime because the social control theory indicates. In his loneliness Jeffrey stuffed that void with dismembering animals, a conduct later seen in his crimes. It is able to thus be  concluded that introduction and nurturing of social bonds are very critical in formative years socialization and within the improvement of solid psychological state of thoughts. I feel that the courts decision that Jeffery Dahmer was competent to stand trial is authentic and precise. The definition of insane is in a criminal case, arguing that the defendant isnt responsible for their forms of crimes due to an episodic or continual psychiatric disorder at the time of the criminal act. I feel by reading the case records that he absolutely knew what he was into doing, as he would trap his sufferers and drug them. He was a sick man but I do sense that he knew exactly what he was doing, he planned how he was going to lure his victims. He lured some of his victims with the ploy of receiving money for posing naked. He used an orchestration to get his victim to his apartment and give them a sense at ease around him. Then he drugged their beverages with the intent of raping them and killing them. He made several of them zombies, I feel that you have to have some sort of wits about you to preform something so heinous. The court in my opinion made the correct and true decision. Jeffery Dahmer was not the first serial killer, or will be the last. His crimes were so horrific that he will be known as one of the worst serial killers in the world. That is why people are so fascinated with his tale. References Finkelhor, D. (1984). Child Sexual Abuse: New Theory and Research (Hardcover). New York: Free Press. Davis, J. A. (1998). Profile of a sexual predator: A psychological autopsy of an American serial killer. The Forensic Examiner, 7(1-2), 28-33 Youngstrom, N. (1991). Spotting serial killer difficult, experts note: Aberrant thoughts and behaviors often unrecognized by therapists. APA Monitor, 22(10), 32. doi: 10.1037/e300082005-039 Nichols, D. S. (2006). Tell me a story: MMPI responses and personal biography in the case of a serial killer. Journal of Personality Assessment, 86(3), 242-262. Doi: 10.1207/s15327752jpa8603_02

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Deformed Digital Evolution Essay -- Technology Technological Papers

Deformed Digital Evolution Modernist visual form has substantially influenced the digital world; however, the digital world of today has been more prominently influenced by the sequential technological growth and the ever-changing aesthetic tastes of our diverse society. These conditions can further be described as mankind’s drive for efficiency and the contrasting effects of people desiring to be different or to stand out. In this essay, an attempt is made to show how the accomplishments of the late Victorian era, regardless of how closely their lineages seem to be linked, are themselves simply steps in the timeline of progress and are really invalid to use as the true â€Å"producer† of the modern digital world. The time period in and around the beginning of the twentieth century, according to Manovich, was the greatest time of pioneering and cultivating new techniques. Looking retroactively on the 1920’s from the viewpoint of today we realize that the key artistic innovations of the 1920s were all done in relation to what was then the â€Å"new media†: photography, film, new architectural and new printing technologies At the time, these were truly new media and groundbreaking techniques; additional terminology had to be developed in order to efficiently use and refer to them. The â€Å"new media† and its divisions were all obviously visually oriented. Manovich continues his discussion with referrals to the techniques and artful achievement that followed in the wake of the â€Å"new media† mentioned above. These â€Å"key modern visual communication techniques†1 included â€Å"photo and film montage, collage, classical film language, surrealism, the use of sex appeal in advertisements, modern graphic design, and modern typography.†1 ... ...ld that be reasonable? Continuing on with the evolutional tracking of the computer, we can restate the fact that the keyboard was bred from the invention of the typewriter. The typewriter itself can even be traced back to its origin, the printing press. In the end, almost every link in the evolutionary ladder of today’s digital world can be expressed as an adaptation or modification of the forerunning products. Though it is with reasonably considerable measures that Manovich makes all of his connections of the digital world as it applied to constructivist times, it is truly beyond anyone’s ability to figure out what the construction of the modern digital world is the product of. Far too many people have had their say in its creation. How many of those involved felt as though they were copying the Soviet Constructivist techniques and applying them to today?